Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So... who is a gambler?

Carlos is! Now, before I get too far in to this, understand something, this is being written with a bit more of a sarcastic, lighthearted tone than you'd think this topic deservs. Why? Because Otherwise, I'd lose my mind.

So, without further ado, here's the scoop. The SCREENING (i.e. *not* a diagnosis) says we've got a 1:3 chance of Carlos having a chromosomal abnormality and about a 50/50 shot of him turning out completely healthy with no issues. Yikes. Scary? Sure.

So yeah, if this was poker Carlos has two hands to win. He's got high pair against someone on an obvious flush draw in the first and he's holding queens vs. ace/king in the other one. The good news is if this was the first case, I'm betting my ass off against the guy with the flush draw. I like my odds. 2 of 3 times I'm going to rape 'em at the table. The coin flip? Well, that is what it is.

The deal is that Carlos's 12 week nuchal fold came back with a measurement of 4.9mm. Not good. 3mm is the cutoff for "normal". Once you're over 4.5mm, then you end up getting told by the doc and genetics councelor some oh-so-scary news.

Where do we go from here? We've got another ultrasound schedule at week 18 and Sheryl has said she wants to do an amnio (this is a diagnosis). The amnio will tell us for sure if there is any chromosonal issues to sweat. The ultrasound will check out Carlos's ticker to make sure it's functioning normally. If both come back OK, then we're in the clear!

C'mon Carlos... have an ace up your sleeve, lil buddy...

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