Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mmmm... boooooobs

So one of the benefits from my perspective - and I am sure I am speaking for 99.99% of the male population - is that momma's boobs get bigger. To this I say hells yes! What guy doesn't like bigger breastistis?

By the end of a pregnancy 2-3 cup size increases are common. Hmmm...Sheryl was that big pre-pregnancy, so by the end... um... wow! To be honest, we weren't even 10 weeks in and Sheryl needed new bras. Suh-weet! Can ya tell I'm digging this whole idea?

But, with this bonus, there is a catch...

At 10 weeks (with kid #1) the only physically visible signs of pregnancy are the bigger girls. Weight gain as a whole is minimal so far, so we're looking at the same body with bigger boobs. It's like a free... "augmentation". Not bad, right?

And here is where that shoe drops. Bigger? Yeah. Off limits? Unfortunately, that may be the case. Along with the gams growing like someone hooked them up to an air pump comes the drawback of pain for the ladies.

Wait, so let's get this straight. Your baby momma will have these big, amazing cans... that you aren't going to be able to brrrrrrumski at will? Awesome. That's like showing the chubby kid a bigger version of his favorite candy bar and eating it in front of him. Nice way to keep the goods to yourself.

Just a warning guys...

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